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The Canadian Justice System: An Overview, 5th Edition

Designed for those who are planning careers in the Canadian justice system or who will be working with people impacted by various aspects of the system, this text provides the foundational knowledge needed to understand the way the various facets of the Canadian justice system work.

Langue De Publication: English
120,00 $

Softcover | 280 pages

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Publié: 21 août 2020
ISBN/ISSN: 9780433506881

Détails des produits

Designed for those who are planning careers in the Canadian justice system or who will be working with people impacted by various aspects of the system, The Canadian Justice System: An Overview, 5th Edition provides the foundational knowledge needed to understand the way the various facets of the Canadian justice system work.

Covering where our laws come from, why they are implemented in a particular way, how they are used, by whom and when, the 5th edition of The Canadian Justice System: An Overview provides the background required by anyone beginning a practical study of Canadian laws.

What’s New in This Edition

  • Sections on the Rule of Law, malicious prosecution, bail denial and appalling prison conditions
  • Case studies and uniquely Canadian examples to illustrate and apply legal concepts
  • Updated chapter discussing trends in the Canadian Justice System, including videos of compelling evidence, especially with technological development and the emergence of social media; the over-representation of indigenous Canadians in prisons, solitary confinement, counter-terrorism initiatives and related case law
  • Detailed explanation of the parliamentary law-making process
  • Updated case law and important amendments to the Criminal Code
  • Revised laws and penalties for applicable regulatory and provincial offences used to explain provincial powers
  • Information on revised time limits in which to start criminal proceedings
  • Expanded commentary on:
    • How to read case reports with reference to a case excerpt for students
    • The torts of defamation and invasion of privacy
    • Basic principles of contract law
    • Tribunals designed to compensate victims of crime, including a discussion of strict caps on victim compensation that can be awarded
    • Constitutionally protected concepts with reference to COVID-19, the Charter, Quarantine Act, and Emergencies Act
    • Revisions to bail provisions and the arraignment process in the Criminal Code in 2019
    • S.16 of the Criminal Code – mental disorder as a criminal defence
    • The Youth Criminal Justice Act and circumstances in which a young person may face an adult sentence
    • Dangerous offender sentencing

Who Will Benefit?
The Canadian Justice System: An Overview, 5th Edition will benefit anyone pursuing a career in the Canadian justice system, in particular:

  • Law Clerk, Paralegal and Law Students – the book provides a comprehensive overview for all students entering the legal field. This text provides an overview of the sources of law and its application in Canada. Each chapter provides a brief introduction and a list of key terminology to provide structure and guidance to the reader
  • Police Officers – the book provides information regarding criminal law and criminal procedure of fundamental importance to police officers as well as instruction on how to read statutes and how to distinguish between laws that are created by the federal, provincial, territorial or municipal levels of government. The book also provides information on civil and administrative law and explains how such law can impact the daily functioning of a police officer
  • Correctional Workers – someone interested in a career in this field will benefit from the book's explanation of the division of law-making responsibilities and of the limits set by government-created statutes (these statutes grant the initial power to provide correctional services and regulations, which set parameters on how that power is exercised)
  • Social Workers, Victim Support Workers and Mediators – the book provides the background required to explain the workings of the criminal justice system to clients
  • Internationally trained lawyers – the book will provide a useful overview for lawyers starting the process to qualify to practice in Canada

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Table des matières

Chapter 1: Law-Related Careers and the Canadian Justice System
Chapter 2: Sources of Law – Statutes
Chapter 3: Sources of Law – Common Law
Chapter 4: General Categories in the Justice System
Chapter 5: Civil Justice System – Torts
Chapter 6: More Civil Justice System Concepts
Chapter 7: Administrative Law
Chapter 8: Criminal Law – The Big Picture
Chapter 9: Criminal Law – Charging and Compelling Appearance
Chapter 10: Criminal Law – Trial Issues
Chapter 11: Criminal Law – After Conviction
Chapter 12: Trends In the Canadian Justice System

Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms
Appendix 2: Excerpts From the Constitution Act, 1867
Appendix 3: Constitution Act, 1982
Appendix 4: Sample Statutes
Appendix 5: Sample Cases