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Competition and Antitrust Law – Canada and the United States, 5th Edition

The new, updated version of this authoritative text will provide practitioners with the insight into competition law they need to successfully navigate the constantly evolving landscape.
Langue De Publication: English
390,00 $

Hardcover | 664 pages

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Publié: 21 novembre 2019
ISBN/ISSN: 9780433498827

Détails des produits

Competition law and policy is taking on an increasingly prominent role in the economies and political spheres of many industrialized countries. As the authors of this text point out, one of the results is “growing recognition of the importance of competition law and policy to maximizing economic welfare and balancing the exercise of market power with the creation of increased prosperity and innovation.”

As such, the timing for this new edition of Competition and Antitrust Law – Canada and the United States couldn’t be better.

Practical, strategic and up-to-date
This book provides an in-depth comparison of Canadian and U.S. competition laws, from their origins in the 19th century to the latest cases involving mergers, pricing practices, cartels, advertising and abuse of dominance. A special chapter on antitrust economics is particularly valuable as it makes economics accessible to lawyers.

The previous version of Competition and Antitrust Law – Canada and the United States was published in 2014, and there have been many developments since then. These developments are analyzed in this fifth edition, enabling readers to stay on top of recent changes while benefiting from practical and strategic tips from industry experts with years of experience on how to deal with the changes effectively. Some of the significant changes covered include those in the areas of enforcement (whistleblowing, immunity and common law privileges); market power and delineation; monopolization and abuse of dominance (the role of market shares and joint dominance); non-price vertical restraints and price maintenance (adequate supplies in a market and intellectual property and refusals to deal). Also, additions have been made to the areas of regulated conduct and exempt activities (judicially created defences and exemptions); and remedies (civil matter, private actions, and intellectual property).

As the expert authors have leveraged their insight to develop the comparison between the regimes in Canada and the U.S., readers don’t have to source the information themselves; instead they can rely on this text as an authoritative, quick reference guide when they’re advising companies that carry on business in both jurisdictions.

An essential resource
Competition and Antitrust Law – Canada and the United States, 5th Edition would be a useful acquisition for:

  • Corporate/commercial and competition lawyers who advise clients on mergers, pricing, advertising and marketing practices
  • The Competition Bureau, Commissioner of Competition and Competition Tribunal – this government agency and independent body interpret and enforce the law as it relates to mergers
  • International corporate/commercial and competition lawyers who are advising on mergers with international – especially U.S. – considerations
  • Law students who are taking a competition law course

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Table des matières

Chapter 1: Introduction to competition law 
Chapter 2 : Enforcement
Chapter 3: Basic competition and antitrust economics
Chapter 4 : Market power and market delineation
Chapter 5: Conspiracy
Chapter 6 : Merger review
Chapter 7: Monopolization and abuse of dominance
Chapter 8: Joint ventures
Chapter 9 : Non-price vertical restraints and price maintenance
Chapter 10: Misleading advertising and other deceptive trade practices
Chapter 11: Regulated conduct and exempt activities
Chapter 12: Remedies
Chapter 13: The future of competition law: Globalization and reform