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Supreme Court Law Review, 2nd Series, Volume 102

This volume collects the award-winning research paper of each year since the founding of Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice's Research Fellowship. / Ce volume présente les documents de recherche primés depuis la création de la Bourse.
Langue De Publication: English
295,00 $

Hardcover | 508 pages | Langue de publication : anglais et français | Publication Language: English & French

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Publié: 30 juillet 2021
ISBN/ISSN: 9780433515043

Détails des produits

This volume collects the award-winning research paper of each year since the founding of Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice's Research Fellowship. The Research Fellowship was created in 2001 in honour of the late Mr. Justice Charles D. Gonthier of the Supreme Court of Canada, a former President of the Institute, and is awarded every year at CIAJ’s annual conference.

Ce volume présente les documents de recherche primés depuis la création de la Bourse. La Bourse de recherche a été instaurée en 2001 en l’honneur de feu le juge Charles D. Gonthier de la Cour suprême du Canada, ancien président de l’Institut. Elle est remise tous les ans lors de la conférence annuelle de l’ICAJ.


Auteurs à la une

Table des matières

Method and Matter in the Gonthier Legacy: Legal History and Judgment Writing, 1989-2003 — DeLloyd J. Guth 

Kijibashik – Turn it Around: Stories About Motherhood from Previously Incarcerated Indigenous Mothers in Ontario — Tenzin Butsang and Angela Mashford-Pringle

AI in Judicial Decision-Making — Ignacio Cofone

Strategic Games and Algorithmic Secrecy — Ignacio Cofone and Katherine J. Strandburg

Difference and Inclusion: Reframing Reasonable Accommodation — Vrinda Narain

Client-Centred Lawyering, Informed Decision-Making and Access to Justice — Heather Heavin and Michaela Keet

Indigenous Restorative Justice: Approaches, Meaning and Possibility — Jeffery G. Hewitt
Wired Identities: Retention and Destruction of Personal Health Information in an Electronic World — Elaine Gibson

The Many Faces of Truth in the Law of Evidence — France Houle and Clayton Peterson

Le Rôle des Tribunaux dans les Systèmes Juridiques Modernes — Martine Valois

Transnational Human Rights Advocacy and the Judicial Review of Global Intelligence Agency Cooperation In Canada — Graham Hudson

Moral Legitimacy of the Principle of Restitutio In Integrum: Towards Social Progress in the Valuation of Impaired Working Capacity? — Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey

Les Processus D’accommodement Religieux et Autochtone dans les Institutions Publiques Canadiennes : Quelques Comparaisons — David Robitaille et Sébastien Grammond

Crisis and Creativity: Shifting the Culture of Justice — Trevor C.W. Farrow

Sustainable Development and Investment Treaty Law — Andrew Newcombe

Protecting the Social Value of Privacy in the Context of Police Investigations Using New Technologies — Arthur J. Cockfield

Litigation Privilege in the Supreme Court of Canada: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going? — Barbara Billingsley

La Perspective de L’individu dans les Décisions des Pouvoirs Publics — Geneviève Cartier