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Résultats de recherche pour "Ron Clark"
Ontario Energy Law: Electricity, 2nd EditionDate de sortie October 05, 2022Written by three energy law experts, this well-organized, handy reference guide provides background on the dynamics between government, regulators and regulated entities to enable readers to understand the way electricity is regulated in Ontario.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaISBN/ISSN 9780433505914En stock340,00 $
Regulation and Governance of Municipally-Owned Corporations in OntarioDate de sortie January 04, 2019This title provides insight and practical guidance into the legal framework relating to the ownership, governance and operation of corporations by municipalities in Ontario.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaISBN/ISSN 9780433494584En stock185,00 $