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Résultats de recherche pour "J. Paul Salembier"
NouveauPrécommanderLegal and Legislative Drafting, 3rd Edition NouveauDate de sortie December 31, 2024This title tackles the challenge of drafting complex legal and legislative documents. It goes beyond simply discussing the principles by providing readers with a step-by-step guide that helps them put those principles into action.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaISBN/ISSN 9780433528166240,00 $
Regulatory Law and Practice, 3rd EditionDate de sortie October 06, 2021
This book takes the multi-jurisdictional approach to regulatory law principles and examines regulatory processes beyond those of Canada and its provinces, looking at the regulatory processes in place in jurisdictions across the Commonwealth.
Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaISBN/ISSN 9780433505884En stock280,00 $