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Reflections on the Legacy of Justice Bertha WilsonDate de sortie November 30, 2008These essays reflect on Justice Wilson's legacy, and the differences she made during her landmark tenure at the Supreme Court of Canada, including her significant contributions to the prominent issues of her era, and especially to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms jurisprudence.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaISBN/ISSN 9780433460176En stock175,00 $
The Charter and Criminal Justice - Twenty-five Years LaterDate de sortie June 30, 2008When the Charter of Rights and Freedoms turned twenty-five, a faculty of academics, judges and practitioners debated and discussed its impact on criminal justice. The resulting papers provide a fascinating look at how the Charter has changed Canadian criminal law and the justice system.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaISBN/ISSN 9780433458036En stock235,00 $