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Conflicts of Interest in the Legal Profession

Conflicts of interest can expose lawyers to costly errors and omissions claims as well as discipline proceedings and disqualification orders by courts and tribunals. This book teaches you how to recognize and steer clear of such predicaments.
Langue De Publication: English
245,00 $
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Publié: 01 janvier 1995
ISBN/ISSN: 9780433396734

Détails des produits

Conflicts of interest can expose lawyers to costly errors and omissions claims as well as discipline proceedings and disqualification orders by courts and tribunals. This book teaches you how to recognize and steer clear of such predicaments.

An introductory chapter identifies and explains the 6 duties associated with the lawyer-client relationship. The concluding chapter lists and defines the 20 conflict of interest classes covered in the text. The chapters in between address, among other familiar situations:

  • Lawyer and client doing business together
  • Lawyer acting for more than one client in a non-contentious matter
  • Lawyer acting in the dual capacities of legal counsel and employee
  • Lawyer finding a client or former client on the opposing side of a matter
  • Lawyer receiving a gift or a bequest from a client

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Table des matières

Table of Cases
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Disputes and Confidential Information
Chapter 3: Disputes and Divided Loyalty
Chapter 4: The Liability Insurer and Insured Class
Chapter 5: Conflicts for Corporation Counsel and the Blowing the Whistle Class
Chapter 6: The Lawyers as Witness
Chapter 7: Acting for Opposing Sides
Chapter 8: Doing Business with a client
Chapter 9: Gifts from Clients
Chapter 10: Motions to Disqualify
Appendix: The Classes of Conflicts of Interest