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Canadian Securities Regulation, 5th Edition

In one of Canada's foremost treatises on the subject, experts David Johnston, Kathleen Doyle Rockwell and Cristie Ford provide an authoritative exploration of the Canadian securities system, its historical underpinnings and the practical ramifications of its administration and enforcement.
Langue De Publication: English
390,00 $

Hardcover | 1,024 pages

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Publié: 30 septembre 2014
ISBN/ISSN: 9780433461210

Détails des produits

Announcing the much-anticipated release of the fifth edition of Canadian Securities Regulation, the industry's authoritative resource on the Canadian securities system, covering everything from its historical underpinnings to the practical ramifications of its administration and enforcement.

In this latest edition, veteran expert authors David Johnston and Kathleen Rockwell are joined by law professor Cristie Ford who has helped maintain the balance between the needs of the student and of the practitioner in the exploration and examination of this important subject.

Features and Benefits
As in past editions, readers of Canadian Securities Regulation, 5th Edition can rely on this volume to provide a comprehensive overview of securities regulation in Canada, including:
  • Systematic analysis that offers in-depth coverage of all aspects of securities regulation
  • Timely commentary, outlining recent developments in the area and their impact
  • Relevant case law that provides a starting a point for discussion and advocacy
  • Expert insight into regulatory reform and the likely future path of securities regulation
New in this Edition
Significant changes have been made in this fifth edition. In addition to being updated to reflect current law and practice, Canadian Securities Regulation, 5th Edition includes:
  • New chapters on "Materiality", "Registration", "Corporate Governance" and "Outstanding Issues"
  • A more pan-Canadian focus, with additional references to cases and statutes from Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec
  • More emphasis on the relationship between securities regulation and capital markets regulation
  • More integration of exchanges and self-regulatory organizations into the history of securities regulation
  • Expanded discussion of the continued development of securitization and derivatives, including their role in "empty voting" and "hidden ownership" in the take-over bid context
  • References to insights gleaned from the recent financial crisis, including its impact on prospects for internationalization and the disclosure-based nature of securities regulation
  • Additional exploration of illegal insider trading, paralleling the Commissions' increased focus in this area
  • A revised "Enforcement" chapter, with a discussion of matters such as new administrative sanctions and the development of "reciprocal" orders
  • A discussion of the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in Reference re Securities Act, including an analysis of the prospects for federal and provincial cooperation in the wake of that decision
  • An examination of the practical impact and theoretical challenges associated with information technology and innovations in the financial markets, including high frequency trading, dark pools, crowdfunding and increasing complexity
  • A new appendix on the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP) Crisis and its resolution

A Valuable Reference
This volume is a useful resource for anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of this complex area of law, including:
  • Corporate and securities lawyers
  • In-house counsel
  • Securities regulators and government
  • Financial institutions
  • Students

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Table des matières

Chapter 1: Context and Philosophy
Chapter 2: History
Chapter 3: Scope
Chapter 4: Machinery
Chapter 5: Distribution
Chapter 6: Materiality
Chapter 7: The Prospectus
Chapter 8: Continuous Disclosure
Chapter 9: Distribution Exemptions
Chapter 10: Insider Trading
Chapter 11: Takeover Bids
Chapter 12: Civil Liability
Chapter 13: Registration
Chapter 14: Enforcement
Chapter 15: Recognized Entities
Chapter 16: Investment Funds
Chapter 17: National and Coordinated Approaches to Securities Regulation
Chapter 18: Corporate Governance
Chapter 19: Information Technology
Chapter 20: International Issues
Chapter 21: Outstanding Issues
Appendix A: The Bennett/Doman Insider Trading Saga
Appendix B: The ABCP Crisis in Canada: Implications for the Regulation of Financial Markets