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Alcohol & Drugs in the Canadian Workplace, 3rd Edition

This book offers an easy-to-read overview of the case law related to this area and provides useful advice for employers about drug and alcohol testing and policies.

Langue De Publication: English
160,00 $

Softcover | 404 pages

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Publié: 16 octobre 2020
ISBN/ISSN: 9780433509363

Détails des produits

Useful Guidance
Alcohol and Drugs in the Canadian Workplace, 3rd Edition serves as a practical guide to the development, implementation and enforcement of alcohol and drug policies for clients or employers seeking to control employee substance abuse in the workplace. It offers an easy-to-read overview of the case law related to this area and provides useful advice for employers about drug and alcohol testing and policies. In particular, this book includes:

  • A new chapter on the legalization of recreational cannabis and how to deal with the challenge in Canadian workplaces
  • An updated chapter devoted to developing a legally sound alcohol and drug policy, featuring step-by-step guidelines to save time and make the process more manageable
  • An updated chapter focusing on the implementation and enforcement of alcohol and drug policies, including the identification of potential legal claims and advice on how to avoid them
  • An appendix containing valuable information, such as a sample alcohol and drug policy, links to alcohol and drug testing policies from various human rights commissions and links to Canadian alcohol and drug resources

Written in an accessible, easy-to-understand way, Alcohol and Drugs in the Canadian Workplace, 3rd Edition is the ideal reference manual for both legal and non-legal professionals.

What's Brand New In This Edition

  • New chapter on cannabis in the Canada workplace discussing the impact legalization of cannabis has made on employers since it came into effect of October 17, 2018. It explores the top three concerns identified by employers since the legalization of cannabis in the workplace, and how to navigate a drug policy enforcement at the workplace
  • New case law, including the Elk Coal Case and new arbitration cases

Essential Reading
Alcohol and Drugs in the Canadian Workplace, 3rd Edition will be particularly valuable to:

  • Labour, employment and human rights lawyers who will use it as both an educational tool and a resource for ensuring their clients' policies and procedures fall within the common law parameters set out by arbitrators and the courts
  • In-house counsel and human resources professionals, especially in high-risk industries such as nuclear, transportation, mining, oil and gas, utilities, construction and manufacturing, will want to make sure they properly understand the law in this area so their workplace drug and alcohol policies are effective in minimizing risk and also legally sound
  • Occupational Health and Safety consultants who work with businesses to ensure they are compliant with government legislation (e.g., human rights laws) and regulations

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Table des matières

Chapter 1: Alcohol and Drugs in the Canadian Workplace
Chapter 2: The Effects of Alcohol and Drugs on Workers
Chapter 3: Introduction to Workplace Legal Issues
Chapter 4: Occupational Health and Safety Law and Substance Use
Chapter 5: Human Rights Legislation and the Duty to Accommodate
Chapter 6: Entrop – Fact and Fiction
Chapter 7: Post–Entrop Human Rights Jurisprudence
Chapter 8: The Arbitral Jurisprudence on Alcohol and Drug Policies & Enforcement
Chapter 9: Cannabis in the Canadian Workplace
Chapter 10: U.S. Legislation, Regulations and Cross-Border Issues
Chapter 11: Developing an Alcohol and Drug Policy and Program
Chapter 12: Implementing and Enforcing an Alcohol and Drug Policy
Chapter 13: Case for Legal Reform in Canada