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The Law of Objections in Canada: A Handbook, 2nd Edition

Based on Claude Marseille’s well-known French publication, LegisPratique – Les objections à la preuve en droit civil, this title focuses exclusively on the 50 possible objections that lawyers can make in a trial under the common law.
Langue De Publication: English
230,00 $

Hardcover | 314 pages

En stock
Publié: 12 août 2024
ISBN/ISSN: 9780433527626

Détails des produits

Based on Claude Marseille’s well-known French publication, LegisPratique – Les objections à la preuve en droit civil, and with chapters written by a collection of expert contributing authors, The Law of Objections in Canada: A Handbook, 2nd Edition fills a gap in the marketplace by focusing exclusively on the 50 possible objections that lawyers can make in a trial under the common law.

The new 2nd Edition is a one-stop guide for the rules of law relating to objections and is an excellent reference book: comprehensive, easy to understand and simple to navigate.

Each chapter is organized into four sections: statement of law, rationale, scope and exceptions. The resulting logical flow and detailed explanations make this manual indispensable. In addition, readers will find the at-a-glance Table of Objections particularly useful.

What’s New In This Edition

  • Each chapter has been thoroughly updated to reflect legislative and jurisprudential developments since the previous edition published five years ago
  • Additional content and insight from new contributing authors
  • Updates to the structure of the text

Who Should Read This Book

  • Civil litigation and criminal lawyers who need a resource that enables them to find specific objections quickly and easily, whether in the courtroom or in the office
  • Judges who will be able to reliably comment and rule on issues of evidence
  • Law schools and law libraries who want to provide comprehensive research materials for law students, faculty and other users

Contributing Authors
Richard Bell – Litigation Partner, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Emi Bossio – Partner, Peacock, Linder, Halt & Mack LLP
Vlad Calina – Lawyer, Koskie Minsky LLP
Roy Cotton-O’Brien – Lawyer, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Laura Cundari – Litigation & Arbitration Partner, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Robert J.C. Deane – Partner, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Parmida Elahi – Lawyer, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Annamaria Enenajor – Partner, Ruby Shiller Enenajor
Jenna Green – Lawyer, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Emily Hazlett – Litigation Partner, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Erin Hoult – Litigation Partner, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Claire E. Hunter – Lawyer, Hunter Litigation Chambers
Nick Kaschuk – Criminal Lawyer & Professor
Eliot Kolers – Head of the Litigation & Dispute Resolution Group, Stikeman Elliott LLP
James C. MacInnis – Lawyer, Nathanson, Schachter & Thompson LLP
Claude Marseille – Head of the Litigation Group, Blake, Cassels & Graydon
Cornelia Mazgarean – Criminal & Immigration Lawyer
Joe McArthur – Commercial Arbitration Partner, Blake, Cassels & Graydon
Peter C. McVey – Lawyer, Wagners Law
Laura Metcalfe – Lawyer, Addario Law Group LLP
Paul Michell – Partner, Lax O’Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP
Simone Penney – Lawyer, Hunter Litigation Chambers
Adam Rose – Associate, Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLP
Megan Stoker – Lawyer, Peacock, Linder, Halt & Mack LLP


Auteurs à la une

Table des matières

Table of Objections
Table of Cases
Table of Legislation (Statutes & Regulations)

Chapter 1: Objection For Relevance – Rob Deane
Chapter 2: Character Evidence – Jenna Green
Chapter 3: Objection to Similar Fact Evidence – Annamaria Enenajor and Adam Rose
Chapter 4: Objection With Respect to Matters Not Pleaded – Richard Bell, Roy Cotton-O’Brien and Briana MacEachern
Chapter 5: Objection Regarding Lack of Notice – Richard Bell, Roy Cotton-O’Brien and Briana MacEachern
Chapter 6: The Rule Against Splitting the Case – Emi Bossio and Megan Stoker
Chapter 7: Objection on Grounds of Solicitor-Client Privilege – Eliot Kolers and Vlad Calina
Chapter 8: Objection on Grounds of Litigation Privilege – Eliot Kolers and Vlad Calina
Chapter 9: Settlement Privilege – Paul Michell
Chapter 10: Objection on the Basis of Crown or Public Interest Immunity – Peter McVey
Chapter 11: Objection For Parliamentary Privilege – Rob Deane
Chapter 12: Judicial Immunity – Paul Michell
Chapter 13: Objection For Spousal Privilege – James MacInnis, K.C. and Roy Cotton-O’Brien
Chapter 14: Informer Privilege – Peter McVey
Chapter 15: Statutory Privilege – Claude Marseille, Ad. E. and Youssef Kabbaj
Chapter 16: Case-By-Case Privilege – Paul Michell
Chapter 17: Objections For Evidence Obtained in Violation of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms – Jenna Green
Chapter 18: The Privilege Against Self-Incrimination – Laura Metcalfe
Chapter 19: Objection Related to Language Used in Court – Claude Marseille, Ad. E. and Youssef Kabbaj

Chapter 20: Statute of Frauds Objection – Richard Bell and Roy Cotton-O’Brien
Chapter 21: Objection Based on Best Evidence Rule – Claire Hunter and Simone Penney
Chapter 22: Objection For Breach of the Parol Evidence Rule – James MacInnis, K.C.
Chapter 23: Opinion of Factual Witnesses – Nick Kaschuk and Cornelia Mazgarean
Chapter 24: Objection to Admission of Expert Evidence – Claire Hunter and Simone Penney
Chapter 25: Hearsay – Erin Hoult and Emily Hazlett
Chapter 26: Reading into Evidence the Discovery Transcripts of a Party That is Not Adverse in Interest – Emi Bossio and Emily Hazlett
Chapter 27: Objection For Breach of Implied Undertaking of Confidentiality – Joe McArthur and Parmida Elahi
Chapter 28: Objections During Examination: Capacity – Joe McArthur and Jenna Green
Chapter 29: Objections During Examination: Oath – Joe McArthur and Jenna Green
Chapter 30: Objections to Examination in Chief – Laura Cundari
Chapter 31: Objections Related to Cross-Examination – Parmida Elahi
Chapter 32: Objections to Re-Examination – Laura Cundari
Chapter 33: Miscellaneous Objections at All Stages of Examination – Joe McArthur and Jenna Green
Chapter 34: Objections to Hearsay (Documentary Evidence)
Chapter 35: Objection Based on Best Evidence Rule (Documentary Evidence)
Chapter 36: Objection Regarding Prior Notice (Documentary Evidence)
Chapter 37: Admission Not Binding – Parmida Elahi
Chapter 38: Objection Based on Best Evidence Rule (Real Evidence)
Chapter 39: Objection Regarding Prior Notice (Real Evidence)
Chapter 40: Objections to Character Evidence (Circumstantial Evidence)
Chapter 41: Objection to Similar Fact Evidence (Circumstantial Evidence)
