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Sexual Offences Against Children and the Criminal Process, 2nd Edition

This title addresses the unique issues that surround the prosecution and defence of those charged with sexually abusing a child. It covers the investigative, witness preparation and trial processes, as well as treatment and sentencing options.
Langue De Publication: English
390,00 $
En stock
Publié: 01 janvier 2001
ISBN/ISSN: 9780433438168

Détails des produits

Addresses the unique issues that surround the prosecution and defence of those charged with sexually abusing a child. Taking a multi-disciplinary approach, it thoroughly addresses the investigative, witness preparation and trial processes as well as treatment and sentencing options.

New in this edition:

  • New evidentiary provisions including proof of age through hearsay evidence, defence access to third party records, supports for the testifying child, young person and person with a disability, expanded availability of videotape evidence and its use.
  • 40 ground-breaking Supreme Court of Canada decisions having a direct or indirect impact on prosecutions of sex crimes against children
  • New commentary on mentally challenged complainants ... dangerous offender and long-term offender proceedings ... long-term monitoring ... transferring guilt from one party to another ... multi-complainant prosecutions ... appointing a lawyer to cross examine the child ... preparation to establish the child's language and understanding
  • New offences such as female genital mutilation and sexual exploitation of a person with a mental or physical disability, expanding the acts constituting child prostitution and increasing the international scope of the sex offences against children provisions.

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