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On Coming to Law - An Introduction to Law in Liberal Societies, 3rd Edition

This title provides an introduction to the processes and structure of law from the perspectives of those who experience the law as participants. It focuses on the laws rationale, its institutional character and the burdens it imposes on the entire legal community.

Langue De Publication: English
140,00 $

Softcover | 400 pages

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Publié: 31 janvier 2011
ISBN/ISSN: 9780433468288

Détails des produits

On Coming to Law provides an introduction to the processes and structure of law from the perspectives of those - lawyers, law professors, judges and law students - who experience the law as participants in its institutions and practices. Focusing on the law's rationale, its institutional character and the burdens which it imposes on the entire legal community, On Coming to Law articulates the virtues of the Western Legal Tradition and the Rule of Law.

This new edition refines and expands upon these complex and subtle interrelations, and adds diagrams to illustrate certain fundamentally important concepts and conceptions


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Table des matières

Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
About the Author
Prologue - The Passions of Legal Education: Confrontation and Decision
Part I - Describing Law
      Chapter 1: What is Law?
      Chapter 2: The Structure of the Legal Community
      Chapter 3: The Source and Resources of Law
      Chapter 4: Legal Argument and Law's Craft
      Chapter 5: The Law Question
Part II - Explaining Law
      Chapter 6: Founding Our Law
      Chapter 7: The Vocabulary of Limited Government: A Political Primer
      Chapter 8: Rule of Law: The Institutions of Limited Government
      Chapter 9: The Bodies of the Law
Part III - Living the Law
      Chapter 10: The Lawyer's Honourable Office
      Conclusion: Taking It Personally
      Epilogue: The Decline of Law