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Bennett on Commercial Leases in Ontario, 2nd Edition

This new edition is a timely and concise resource covering the laws, principles and practices governing commercial tenancies in Ontario. Previously published as Commercial Tenancies in Ontario.
Publication Language: English

Softcover | 444 pages

In Stock
Published: October 26, 2023
ISBN/ISSN: 9780433529507

Product description

Bennett on Commercial Leases in Ontario, 2nd Edition is a focused version on commercial leases, part of the highly respected Ontario Real Estate Law Guide looseleaf. It offers landlords and tenants – and their advisors – the guidance they need. Previously published as Commercial Tenancies in Ontario, this new edition is a timely and concise resource covering the laws, principles and practices governing commercial tenancies in Ontario.

This valuable text outlines the rights and obligations of parties to commercial leases, including individuals, businesses, organizations and government entities who lease commercial spaces. For real estate professionals, this text also serves as a helpful roadmap to a range of pertinent issues affecting commercial leases, such as termination, relief from forfeiture applications, bankruptcy, taxation, and insurance.

Features of This Book
Readers of Bennett on Commercial Leases in Ontario, 2nd Edition will benefit from:

  • The full reproduction of the Commercial Tenancies Act
  • Twelve precedents, including a checklist for compiling information for commercial lease
  • Tips for drafting from both the landlord and tenant points of view
  • The topical index and table of cases
  • The affordable content in this publication as an alternative to an on-going looseleaf subscription

Who Should Read This Book

  • Commercial lawyers, real estate lawyers and paralegals who advise and/or represent clients before the tribunal
  • Corporate entities, organizations and government bodies who hold commercial leases as it includes case law and legislation
  • Real estate agents, landlords and property management agencies who need to understand the laws governing their rental relationships
  • Banks, trust companies and licensed insolvency trustees who are seeking case authorities

Featured Authors

Table of contents


Table of Cases

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Relationship of Landlord and Tenant
Chapter 3: Essential Terms and Formal Requirements
Chapter 4: Premises and Common Areas
Chapter 5: Real Property and Other Taxes
Chapter 6: Term of Lease and Renewals
Chapter 7: Rent
Chapter 8: Covenants
Chapter 9: Priorities: Landlords, Mortgagees and Tenant’s Creditors
Chapter 10: Bankruptcy and Insolvency of Landlord and Tenant
Chapter 11: Assignment and Subletting by Landlord and Tenant
Chapter 12: Insurance
Chapter 13: Termination of Lease Otherwise than for Breach
Chapter 14: Remedies for Breach of Lease – Distress
Chapter 15: Remedies for Breach of Lease – Action for Rent, Possession, and Re-Letting
Chapter 16: Remedies for Breach of Lease – Forfeiture and Relief
Chapter 17: Other Remedies

1. Checklist for compiling information for commercial lease
2. Retail Lease
3. Assignment of Lease by Tenant
4. Renewal of Lease
5. Demand for Payment
6. Landlord’s Warrant
7. Notice of Seizure
8. Statement of Appraisal and Inventory
9. Bill of Sale
10. Notice of Motion for an Order Granting Relief from Forfeiture
11. Affidavit in Support
12. Order Granting Relief from Forfeiture

Commercial Tenancies Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L.7

Selected Bibliography
