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Supreme Court Law Review, 2nd Series, Volume 111

This Year-In-Review volume comprises papers reviewing groundbreaking Supreme Court of Canada's 2021-2022 decisions in contract law, criminal law and family law, along with case comments, Rule of Law papers, excerpts of Supreme Court of Canada’s 2021 Annual Review and the 2021 & 2022 lists of oral and written judgments.
Publication Language: English

Hardcover | 458 pages

In Stock
Published: August 16, 2023
ISBN/ISSN: 9780433523796

Product description

This Year-In-Review volume comprises papers reviewing groundbreaking Supreme Court of Canada's 2021-2022 decisions in contract law, criminal law and family law, along with case comments, Rule of Law papers, excerpts of Supreme Court of Canada’s 2021 Annual Review and the 2021 & 2022 lists of oral and written judgments.


Featured Authors

Table of contents

Part I: The Year in Review
Developments in Contract Law: The 2021-2022 Term—The Enduring Allure of Freedom of Contract—Marcus Moore

Developments in Criminal Law—Criminal Procedure: The 2021-2022 Term—Richard Litkowski and Rebecca Meredith

Développements en droit pénal – Droit substantif et détermination de la peine : 2020-2022—Anne-Marie Boisvert

Developments in Family Law: The 2021-2022 Term—Martha Bailey

Part II: Special Essays
Section 24(2) of the Charter, from R. v. Collins to R. v. Grant to R. v. McColman: Where Are We Now?—Judge Wayne K. Gorman

The Costs of Reconciliation: A New Approach to Impecuniosity in Anderson v. Alberta—Matthew Malone

Flatlined: Self-Represented Litigant Activity at the Supreme Court of Canada 1997-2021—Donald Netolitzky

Does the SCC Provide Clarity after Climbing the Stairs?—Mathieu St-Germain and Mark McVicar

How Divided is the Wagner Court? An Assessment of Disagreement Over Its First Five Years—Jeremy Opolsky and Paul-Erik Veel

Part III: Supreme Court of Canada 2021 Annual Review (select sections)
Supreme Court of Canada 2021 Annual Review (select sections)

Part IV: Rule of Law
Three Lectures on Law and Philosophy—The Honourable Malcolm Rowe

Minority Report : Droit pénal et science-fiction—Chantal Bellavance

Section 7 and the Limits of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates in Ontario Public Schools—Josh Dehaas

La simplicité déroutante du choix de la norme de révision par la cour suprême dans Abrametz—Tim Haggstrom

“Threats to the Security of Canada”: The Case for a Single Stringent Standard—Asher Honickman

In Defence of the Federal Court’s Jurisdiction over Judicial Review of Tax Matters —Thomas A. Falcone

The Originalism of F.R. Scott—Preston Jordan Lim

Part V: Supreme Court of Canada Annual List of Judgments
2021 List of Oral Judgments
2021 List of Written Judgments
2022 List of Oral Judgments
2022 List of Written Judgments