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A Guide to the Youth Criminal Justice Act, 2024/2025 Edition

This concise guide to the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) provides an overview of the youth criminal justice system in Canada, section-by-section commentary on legal and operational implications, and captures key recent developments.

Publication Language: English

Softcover | 428 pages | Annual – Standing Order Terms Apply

In Stock
Published: July 26, 2024
ISBN/ISSN: 9780433530725

Product description

In-Depth Expert Analysis of Bill C-75 YCJA Amendments
This concise guide to the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) provides an overview of the youth criminal justice system in Canada, section-by-section commentary on legal and operational implications and captures key recent developments. A must-have for anyone dealing with young persons and those who need to understand how the YCJA is implemented.

Features and Benefits

  • Updated commentary – References relevant cases and highlights reactions to the YCJA from the courts and those who work with the Act offering expert insight on recent developments
  • Full text of the legislation – Allows you to have ready access to the most current legislation
  • Section-by-section commentary – Allows you to understand the legal rationale and operational issues of individual provisions
  • YCJA procedural chart – Provides step-by-step guidance
  • A table of concordance on the YCJA and the former Young Offenders Act – Allows you to identify what has changed and what has remained the same
  • Forms and checklists for police, Crown prosecutors and officials – Provides a handy checklist of what you can and cannot do when arresting a young person

Who Will Benefit

  • Criminal law practitioners who represent young persons and advise them of their rights
  • Judges who need to be familiar with the court procedures and sentencing options for young persons under the YCJA
  • Correctional service and probation officers who need to oversee the custody and supervision of young persons
  • Police officers who deal with extrajudicial measures/sanctions and need to know the limits of their authority in relation to young people
  • Law enforcement program students who need a practical, yet comprehensive learning reference about the youth criminal justice system

Featured Authors

Table of contents

Table of Concordance
Youth Criminal Justice Act (Annotated)
Part 1: Extrajudicial Measures
Part 2: Organization of Youth Criminal Justice System
Part 3: Judicial Measures
Part 4: Sentencing
Part 5: Custody and Supervision
Part 6: Publication, Records and Information
Part 7: General Provisions
Part 8: Transitional Provisions
Part 9: Consequential Amendments, Repeal and Coming into Force

YCJA Non-Disclosure Provision Chart
Table of Provincial Director Responsibilities
Checklist for Police Officers: Police Options (section 6)
Checklist for Police, Crown Prosecutors and Officials: Extrajudicial Sanctions (section 10)
Extrajudicial Measures: Duty of Police Officer
Extrajudicial Measures: YCJA Sections 4-12 Key Points
Form 1.1 (sections 6 and 7) Police Caution to a Young Person
Form 1.2 (section 8) Crown Caution to a Young Person
Form 1.3 (section 8) Notice to the Parent that a Young Person has been given a Crown Caution
Form 1.4 (sections 10 and 11) Notice to Parent of Extrajudicial Sanction
Form 5.5 (Criminal Code sections 499 and 503) Undertaking Given to a Peace Officer or an Officer in Charge
Form 9.1 (section 146) Statement of a Young Person
Summary Report of the Nunn Commission of Inquiry
Key Young Offenders Act Sections
Bill C-75 YCJA amendments