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Property Notices: Validity and Service Third edition

The widely acclaimed Property Notices: Validity and Service provides the definitive account of the law relating to property notices. It contains a clear and practical guide to the legal principles governing whether a property notice is valid and whether it has been properly served.

Publisher: LNUK
Publication Language: English
In Stock
Published: February 24, 2021
ISBN/ISSN: 9781784734558
Publisher: LNUK

Product description

Why should you buy Property Notices: Validity and Service third edition

The widely acclaimed Property Notices: Validity and Service provides the definitive account of the law relating to property notices. It contains a clear and practical guide to the legal principles governing whether a property notice is valid and whether it has been properly served. The importance of those principles for property lawyers cannot be over-stated: in the field of property law, rights are frequently exercised by the service of a notice and, for the party that has attempted to serve a notice (and perhaps its lawyers), the consequences of a finding that a notice is invalid may be disastrous.

Property Notices: Validity and Service is the only work dedicated to this core area of practice and it is essential reading for all property lawyers.