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Parker's Law and Conduct of Elections

Recognised as the standard work on elections, Parker's covers every aspect of the law relating to parliamentary, European parliamentary and local elections.
Publisher: LNUK
Publication Language: English
In Stock
Published: April 30, 1996
ISBN/ISSN: 9780754508304
Publisher: LNUK

Product description

Recognised as the standard work on elections, Parker's Law and Conduct of Elections covers every aspect of the law relating to parliamentary, European parliamentary and local elections. Full coverage of key legal issues such as registration of electors, standing of candidates, regulation of election expenses, bribery, treating and undue influence. It includes tables of abbreviations, cases, statutes and statutory instruments; updated text of main relevant statutes; and current orders and regulations. Standard election forms are also reproduced. Three looseleaf volumes, two service issues approx. per year (invoiced separately on publication).

Featured Authors

Table of contents

1. Elections and Electoral Areas
2. Franchise
3. Registration of Electors
4. The Returning Officer
5. The Candidate
6. The Election Agent
7. Political Parties
8. Election Expenses
9. Publicity
10. Public Meetings
11. Up to Notice of Election
12. Nomination of Candidates
13. Between Nomination and Poll
14. Absent Voting
15. The Poll
16. Combination of Polls
17. The Count
18. After Declaration of Result
19. Election Petitions
20. Bribery, Treating and Undue Influence
21. Penalties, Incapacities and Prosecutions
22. Relief

Appendix A – Relevant Statutes

Appendix B – Subordinate Legislation
Appendix C – Specimen Forms
Appendix D – 1986 European Parliamentary Regulations
Appendix E – Circulars