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Charities Law
Introduction au droit des victimes d’actes criminels au CanadaDate de sortie August 27, 2020**2e prix Walter Owen 2022 de la Fondation pour la recherche juridique de l'Association du Barreau canadien**
L'ouvrage présente une analyse des dispositions législatives actuelles, dont l’évolution s’est étendue sur une trentaine d’années pour culminer par l’adoption de la Charte canadienne des droits des victimes en vue d’aider les victimes à retrouver leurs droits et leur dignité que ce soit avant, pendant et après le procès.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaLangue De Publication FrenchISBN/ISSN 9780433503941En stock125,00 $ -
Election Law in Canada, 2nd EditionDate de sortie March 25, 2021In this new edition, authors Donald J. Bourgeois and Jessica Spindler delve into the topic of election law in Canada and provide valuable insight into this important and evolving area.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaLangue De Publication EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433506911En stock130,00 $
Charities and Not-for-Profit Employment Law HandbookDate de sortie January 01, 2002Focusing on the charity laws of Ontario and British Columbia, this book takes you step-by-step through the legislative requirements and addresses unique concerns confronting charities and not-for-profits.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaLangue De Publication EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433438304En stock145,00 $
Supreme Court Law Review, 2nd Series, Volume 79Date de sortie August 09, 2017In recent years law and religion scholarship in Canada has grown significantly. This distinctive collection of 18 papers addresses, from a variety of angles, the jurisdiction of law itself and limits of law – an important but often overlooked aspect of settling the boundaries of church and state, religion and law.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaLangue De Publication EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433495147En stock295,00 $
Supreme Court Law Review, 2nd Series, Volume 98Date de sortie October 20, 2020This collection of 13 papers examines many of the freedoms listed in section 2 of the Charter that have been “forgotten” in the sense that they have not received (much) interpretation in jurisprudence or discussion in legal scholarship.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaLangue De Publication EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433509318En stock295,00 $
The Law of Unincorporated Associations in CanadaDate de sortie August 28, 2020“The central paradox of the law of unincorporated associations is that such a simple legal form could generate such legal complexity.” Lawyer and author Stephen Aylward offers an in-depth examination of this paradox in his new ground-breaking publication.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaLangue De Publication EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433500612En stock150,00 $
A Guide to the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010Date de sortie May 26, 2022Existing not-for-profit corporations have a limited amount of time to ensure they’re in compliance with Ontario’s new Not-for-Profit Corporations Act. Learn what you need to know about making the transition.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaLangue De Publication EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433522454En stock105,00 $
Halsbury's Laws of Canada – Cemeteries and Interment (2022 Reissue) / Charities, Associations and Not-For-Profit Organizations (2022 Reissue)Date de sortie April 08, 2022The Cemeteries and Interment title provides a clear and straightforward explanation of the legal aspects of death and burial. The Charities, Associations and Not-For-Profit Organizations title is the ideal Canadian charity law reference for everyone for whom charitable and not-for-profit law is not a day-to-day area of expertise.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaLangue De Publication EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433516323En stock335,00 $
Charities Legislation & Commentary, 2024 EditionDate de sortie November 24, 2023This unique charity law publication provides a useful reference for anyone researching key federal and Ontario statutes governing charitable organizations. This edition compiles, describes or otherwise takes account of approximately 145 statutes and 75 regulations.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaLangue De Publication EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433529842En stock90,00 $
Charities and Not-for-Profit Fundraising Handbook, 2nd EditionDate de sortie September 30, 2006Fundraising in Canada is governed by a number of important legal obligations that are contained in a variety of statutes. This charity law handbook examines those obligations in depth, explaining them clearly and setting out the procedures necessary to ensure compliance.Éditeur LexisNexis CanadaLangue De Publication EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433447870En stock170,00 $