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NewPreorderCompetition Act: Commentary and Annotation, 2025 Edition NewRelease date December 31, 2024
This annual publication annotates each substantive provision of the Competition Act, with synopsis of key applicable cases and expert analysis and insights.
Publisher LexisNexis CanadaPublication Language EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433534631$130.00 -
Compliance - Challenges and Opportunities for the Legal ProfessionRelease date January 01, 2018This title serves as a useful reference for legal practitioners dealing with day-to-day compliance issues in the fields of corporate, commercial, banking & finance, and anti-trust law. Book #2 in the UIA-LexisNexis Publications Collection.Publisher LNUKPublication Language EnglishISBN/ISSN 9781474310345In Stock$85.57
NewPreorderCanada’s Cannabis Act: Annotation & Commentary, 2024/2025 Edition NewRelease date December 31, 2024
This text identifies the relevant case law and underlying legislation used to draft the Cannabis Act, helping readers analyze the rules and limits of the Act and the Regulations.
Publisher LexisNexis CanadaPublication Language EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433533573$165.00 -
Trademarks Act & Commentary, 2024 EditionRelease date March 26, 2024This trademark law desktop reference for IP practitioners, agents and clerks brings together the full text of the up-to-date Trademarks Act and Regulations, selected provisions of other governing legislation and other practice-related materials.Publisher LexisNexis CanadaPublication Language EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433529774In Stock$95.00
Halsbury's Laws of Canada – Trademarks, Passing Off and Unfair Competition (2020 Reissue)Release date November 24, 2020This title sets out the law governing trade-marks in Canada, as governed by the Trade-marks Act, as well as the law pertaining to the common law and statutory remedy of passing off. This title is an important and authoritative resource for Canadian legal practitioners.Publisher LexisNexis CanadaPublication Language EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433503590In Stock$335.00
Investment Canada Act: Commentary and Annotation, 2024 EditionRelease date November 30, 2023A must-have practical guide for foreign investment and competition lawyers, general corporate and securities lawyers, government officials, as well as international companies and Canadian businesses that participate in the review processes under the Investment Canada Act.Publisher LexisNexis CanadaPublication Language EnglishISBN/ISSN 9780433530534In Stock$150.00
Thema – Droit de la concurrenceRelease date October 31, 2015La nouvelle collection Thema est composée d'ouvrages reliés regroupant un ensemble de fascicules tirés d'autres collections du JurisClasseur Québec. Lorsque cela est utile, les textes législatifs et règlementaires pertinents, des formulaires pratiques, des listes de vérification ou d'autres textes similaires viennent compléter les ouvrages de cette collection.Publisher LexisNexis CanadaPublication Language FrenchISBN/ISSN 9780433483793In Stock$125.00
Guide pratique de la propriété intellectuelleRelease date December 20, 2018Que ce soit pour gagner en autonomie, vous mettre à jour ou approfondir vos connaissances de base dans le vaste domaine de la propriété intellectuelle, ce guide saura vous éclairer. On y aborde d’un point de vue pratique le droit d’auteur, les marques de commerce, les brevets, les dessins industriels, les obtentions végétales, les secrets commerciaux et la concurrence déloyale.Publisher LexisNexis CanadaPublication Language FrenchISBN/ISSN 9780433499626In Stock$120.00